Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do you think toilet flushes should be quieter?

I posted this as a note on facebook recently- It's the first time I've tried something like it and it seemed to get really good feedback, if I may stroke my own ego for a moment. Again, just blurbs about things that happen during the day.

The following letters were all written on January 29th:

Dear Ugg Boots on my feet with the buttons on the side (not with the fur): That girl in my Spanish class told me you were totally fly. Way to be.

Dear Toilets in the bathroom on the 3rd floor of Jardine (AKA Room 304?): Stop being so loud. You need to CALM DOWN.

Dear Guy in my Spanish class: No, the big blue thing I'm carrying on my back is not an Oboe.

Dear Scott Christian Dold: Stop making fun of Kate and her Stati. Statuseses. Stat- nevermind.

Dear Lid on my soup bowl: You match my green coat.

Dear Girl in the dressing room at TJ Maxx: Please stop beat boxing stripper techno beats- I already know you are taking your clothes off.

Dear TJ Maxx: you are my new fav <3 next to a PB Soy latte at Mead's.

Dear Leftovers at Zen Thai Restaurant: I wish I wouldn't have forgotten you on the table.

Dear Half Drank Shiner Bock- I'm going to let Jordan adopt you- I'm going to have Mozzarella sticks instead.

Dear Kate's House: Please rid yourself of noisy drinkers so she can go to bed. Thank you.

Dear Me: Quit looking at your own profile pictures. You know what you look like.

Love Always,

Let me explain myself.

Dear ________,

I realized recently that lots of small things happen during a day. They can make us smile, make us mad, or make us laugh, but most of the time we forget about them within a day or so. Compliments, jokes, new acquaintances, shoes we can't afford... Out of sight of mind.

I don't want to forget these things because they have an impact not just on my day but on how I view the world. Am I mad because I found shoes that I'll never own? Am I having a good day because I met new people, or saw someone I already know and love? What quirks has today offered to make it different than yesterday?

This blog exists to recognize that each day is different, and each day is special. Every time something interesting happens I will write a letter to it- more or less a note. Confused? Read a couple posts and you'll catch on. Who knows? Maybe I'll write you a letter one day :)


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