Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do you think toilet flushes should be quieter?

I posted this as a note on facebook recently- It's the first time I've tried something like it and it seemed to get really good feedback, if I may stroke my own ego for a moment. Again, just blurbs about things that happen during the day.

The following letters were all written on January 29th:

Dear Ugg Boots on my feet with the buttons on the side (not with the fur): That girl in my Spanish class told me you were totally fly. Way to be.

Dear Toilets in the bathroom on the 3rd floor of Jardine (AKA Room 304?): Stop being so loud. You need to CALM DOWN.

Dear Guy in my Spanish class: No, the big blue thing I'm carrying on my back is not an Oboe.

Dear Scott Christian Dold: Stop making fun of Kate and her Stati. Statuseses. Stat- nevermind.

Dear Lid on my soup bowl: You match my green coat.

Dear Girl in the dressing room at TJ Maxx: Please stop beat boxing stripper techno beats- I already know you are taking your clothes off.

Dear TJ Maxx: you are my new fav <3 next to a PB Soy latte at Mead's.

Dear Leftovers at Zen Thai Restaurant: I wish I wouldn't have forgotten you on the table.

Dear Half Drank Shiner Bock- I'm going to let Jordan adopt you- I'm going to have Mozzarella sticks instead.

Dear Kate's House: Please rid yourself of noisy drinkers so she can go to bed. Thank you.

Dear Me: Quit looking at your own profile pictures. You know what you look like.

Love Always,

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