Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Missed Ya

It's been a while since I last blogged- obviously. Last you heard from me, the Queen of England was feeling me up in my dreams and I finally decided that's not how I would like you to remember me.

For this first returning blog post I do not have letters for you all. I started this blog wondering, "Do I have the consistency in me to keep up a blog every week?" Obviously that didn't really happen. I was pretty disappointed coming back to Blogger and thinking, something as simple as writing a blog shouldn't be a problem. So, I'm back and ready to prove my endurance. Hopefully.

So let's update. I read some of my old letters, and thought I would share how I'm fairing with them.

Dear Buck Teef: You make it really difficult to drink red wine properly
I still have issues with this. Nothing's changed.

Dear Me: Quit looking at your own profile pictures. You know what you look like.
Haha I guess we are all vain in our own ways? HOWEVER- I have chopped all my hair off since my last post, so even I forget what I look like sometimes.

Dear Lovehandles- So about half of my ab exercises are actually prone to increase you in size. NO FRIGGIN WONDER YOU WEREN'T GOING AWAY!
I have hence stopped doing exercises that make my love handles more lovable, however they are still a part of my life. I've been working out for almost 7 months now and they just love me too much. So I, in turn, have learned to love them back. I've gained a healthy life style, and that's all I can ask for.

Dear letter that I wrote but never sent- you were the most therapeutic part of my day. I wonder if I'll ever have the courage to send you to whom you were intended for.
I sent that letter about a month and a half ago. I know this was an incredibly ambiguous/emo post, but the situation this letter pertains to weighed heavily on my heart and on my life. It was a tough thing to send that letter, but I am a better person for it. I am a stronger person for it.

I don't want to think that you all have been suffering DearBlog withdrawals- I'm not that egotistical. But I have missed having an outlet for my thoughts. And just like I said from the beginning- This blog is to appreciate the simple, small things.

DearBlog BACK.

Love Always,

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