Friday, November 5, 2010

Dear Fortissimo Future (5)

Dear Garth Brooks for Young Old Souls,
Ryan Montbleau Band Heavy on the Vine

I had a different blogpost planned for today, but given that today, the 5th of November, is my 23rd birthday I have scratched my previous plans and decided to celebrate this new year of life with a new musical discovery.

My friend Jared Parson has been asking me to come to his bar for shows for a long time- probably since we first became friends in our communications class back in the spring. He's a good guy- with a fantastic mustache- and only wishes to share music with his friends. He has come to many of my symphony concerts and supported many of my chamber music endeavors, but alas I never made it to a show. After a candid conversation that concluded more or less with "Don't have to come, but you are the one missing out. Don't let your selfish tendencies make you miss out on good things." NOT A DIRECT QUOTE but this is what I learned from Mr. Parson.

Last weekend following this discussion I showed up to his bar after my symphony concert dressed in Johnny Cash all black- tired. Jared told me there were two shows this weekend; the one he wanted me to go to was the night before but I was exhausted. He wasn't a huge fan of this band but none the less, I was present. I'm really glad I didn't miss out. The lead singer reminds me a little bit of Garth Brooks, the only country singer I really care for. Okay so I love Garth Brooks. The only difference is Montbleau doesn't sport bad belt buckles or cowboy boots- win win!!!

I'm in the Honeymoon stage with the Ryan Montbleau Band- a month from now I may not even like them. However, I'm going to go with my gut and say the laid back, well-versed and sometimes cheeky personality of this band will stick around in my mind as a good discovery. Thank you, Jared Parson. Even if you don't like them as much.


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