Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fortunes, Falsehoods and Fantastic Follicles

Awe, so Valentine's day is this sunday and this is Dear Blog and I's 3 WEEK ANNIVERSARY! To commemorate this occasion, not only have I compiled my letters from this week, but I took on a special project that I think you will enjoy. It's a video featuring some of my friends who are follicle-y endowed (stay with me, mind out of the gutter)- I'm not sure how I convinced them to be a part of this, but none the less they agreed and now will go down (I said out of the gutter!) in gnarleigh blog history. Before I get started with my letters, I would like to share the fortune I got from Saigon: Seize from every moment its uniqueness, especially this week Say no more, fortune- Onto business as usual. These letters are from the week of Feb 7- 13

Dear 4 miles I ran yesterday, I use you so that I may eat terribly later and it won't affect me as bad.

Dear 5:30 pm on Sunday- Superbowl.... Or Titanic. Superbowl... Or Titanic? I could blame this on my mother, but I wanted to watch Titanic as much as she did. But alas, as my uncle would say, "Way to geaux Saints!"

Dear car I cut off- Thank you for not slamming into me. I totally deserved it.

Dear Students in the RSC- pardon my victory stance as I celebrate no Spanish today.

Dear Shaving Cut- You make me feel like I'm 13 again

Dear Wednesday, Spin Class and a Dentist appointment before 8 am? So let me get this straight- I'm supposed to go through today with a numb butt AND not be able to feel the left side of my mouth? Perfect.

Dear Saigon- Where else can I enjoy fine Vietnamese cuisine and watch a Shania Twain music video Marathon in one sitting?! God Bless you.

Dear Doc Greens- Okay so I thought watching Shania was awesome, but you are definitely fighting for my affection with MMM Bop playing in the back ground

Dear Mead's- In an effort to be more thrifty, I have vowed to only come for coffee on double punch day. So please, savor what few moments you have with me

Dear Japan- I like the Sadie Hawkins approach you take to Valentine's day. NPR is so informational.

Dear Guy at the Gas Station- To answer your question, I'm gonna have to lie and say I have a boyfriend... And I agree, "It's a daaayumn shaaame".

Dear Facebook Status- Sometimes it's really difficult to not be negative with you, but alas, I refuse. That's what Blogs are for!

Dear Mead's- I lied about only coming on double punch days. I'm sorry but I had a meeting there, and damnit, Jeremy, I couldn't resist the suggestion of a scone and tea.

Dear $110- You could've gotten speedy mcspeedster here some new shiny things, but momma has to use you to pay for the speeding ticket. I'll miss you :(

Dear Wichita Municipal Court- you are full of crabbies. I just wanna pay and leave and not hear about the lady behind me's almost DUI.

PS- Lady, your son reeks of marijuana. Go look through his drawers.

Dear Mom- What's that in the middle of the road? A dog? Cat? Oh I see... Okay it's two cats. On top of each other. Humping. Sorry to intrude.

Dear Ladies- A word of advice from yours truly, don't go bra shopping after eating chipotle. Give your belly a couple hours to retract.

Dear Weight Loss- Speaking of bra shopping, I wish you would take the weight from somewhere else.

Dear MC Hammer- I hope you are ready to meet Gnarleigh tomorrow- puh LEASE tell me you are wearing those pants...

and now for the big show- if you watch this and think to yourself, wow that was a waste of time? I agree. But I think it's funny...

1 comment:

  1. I have to tell you girl, I LOVE this idea! It's amazing how many things change our perspective on the world or on our daily lives and each of us misses them because an hour later we don't remember them... I think what your writing is awesome and they make me smile!



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