Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break is for Bloggers.

I forgot to put up my blog yesterday. I normally put it up on my lunch break between classes, but it was a funny thing, Monday- I DIDN'T HAVE CLASS! Thus the memory slip. AND I hope you aren't terribly disappointed, but since I gave you a bonus blog this past week, I will be fully taking advantage of Spring Break and not doing anything- including blogging. Miss Kate Garnes and I will be trucking up to Columbia, then to Kansas City, and I intend on blowing all of my money and then writing about it once my checkbook bounces back to a healthy state. I love and will miss you all dearly but there is an abundance of letters here for you today.

Before I go too far I do want to say this. Here is an excerpt from my very first post that explains why I write this blog:

"I realized recently that lots of small things happen during a day. They can make us smile, make us mad, or make us laugh, but most of the time we forget about them within a day or so. Compliments, jokes, new acquaintances, shoes we can't afford... Out of sight of mind."

Writing this blog has been so great, because I really do forget about most of the little things that happen during my week. When I go back and reread them it's almost as if I'm reading someone else's doing. So blog, you have officially deemed yourself useful. ONWARD!

Dear Blog- the more I blog the more I feel like I'm back in 9th grade using Xanga. It's a terrible thought but oh well.

Dear Facebook Messages- I think you have 2 uses: 1. Some things are just too long to post on a wall, or 2. Some one is trying to be vewy sneaky.

Dear Quandry- Someone just used you in a sentence. Luckily it was on FB chat and I had time to look you up on dictionary.com- apparently you are spelled "Quandary", and you mean a state of perplexity and uncertainty. How ironic...

Dear Rain- gaaaaaaaaaah JUST STOP ALREADY.

Dear Wichita City Court- I can't believe you had me outta there in less than 10 minutes! Maybe you aren't so bad :)

Dear Brett Michaels- Please tell me that your performance at the Riverfest this year will end up in a "Rock of Love VIII" Kansas special. PLEEEEASE!!!!

Dear "Gardener" Sandwich at Dolci & Joes- I know I just ate one of you last night, but I Lady Antebellum need you again. BADLY.

Dear Guy in the Five Iron Frenzy hoody- Yeah, you know where it's at.

Dear Wichita City Court- I just remembered that I still had to pay you $195 for my diversion. You are back on my shit list.

Dear Whole Milk- I don't care how fatty you are. YOU are so good.

Dear Gym Shower Curtain- I don't like it when you brush up against me. Bugh.

Dear People Watchers- You want some fun people to watch? Come to my gym in the morning when a bunch of grown men come and pretend that they're good at basketball. It's AWESOME.

Dear Asian Friend- when you told me to pick a pretty white woman for you, I didn't know you were actually going to go talk to her. And grab her hand. She didn't look very pleased.

Dear Water Bottle I just finished- hmmm, you aren't the same brand that I walked into the gym with- I hope your true owner doesn't have cold sores.

Dear Business Law Professor- As your anonymous dry erase marker fairy, it makes me laugh that you didn't open your new markers, instead you pocketed them for your own personal use.

Dear Quiche at Café Moderne- you are a party in my mouth and no one else is invited.

Dear Carl Kasell- I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN WICHITA! I'd go and see you over Brett Michaels any day. Maybe you could have a show! Kasell of looooove....

Dear FB Relationship Status- I'm thinking about taking you down. I am still single, however I'm starting to feel ridiculed by the facebook ads asking me if I want a boyfriend.

Dear Boys on the sidewalk dressed in drag with signs that say SINGLE- Try this again in your 20s and let me know how it goes

Dear Guy who works at Gym- I don't recall ever telling you my name, but today you said, "Hello Arleigh". Hmmmmmm

Dear Bath Towel- You are too much of a pain to keep up while I'm drying my hair, so I'm just going to lock the door and let you fall.

Dear Mom- you RECORDED Hannah Montana? And didn't even try and pawn it off as a favor to your grandchild? Oh dear.

Love Always,

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