Sunday, March 7, 2010

I had forgotten to give this post a name.

WARNING- I'm taking a large part of my blog to write in actual paragraph form. If you are like me and hate reading, just go ahead and skip down to the letters. I'd be a hypocrite if I expected you to read through all of my ramblings, because I probably wouldn't take the time for yours either :/ So anyways....

This past Friday night I stayed home- I made up for it by going to Heroes on Saturday with one of my best friends Kate, so I'm not completely lame, but every once in a while a friday night at home is what you need. I watched two episodes of What Not to Wear and rented 500 Days of Summer. WN2W always makes me wish that I had a crap wardrobe and could be on the show- They made over this crazy glitter obsessed vegan and made her look absolutely gooorgeous. Made this vegetarian want to take the full leap to vegan. Then, they made over a biker lesbian from Boston- Now this didn't make me want to be a biker, or go lesbian for that matter, but it was still a cool episode- people really get a self esteem boost from being on that show and it's cool to watch.

Now as for 500 Days of Summer I want to make it very clear- This is a great movie. I've only seen it once, and just on friday so it really hasn't had a chance to sit and mull in my head, but here's why:

1. If you keep up with my twitters you might have seen that I said that watching this movie is like looking in a mirror. I didn't mean that I look like Zoe Deschanel (I wish), but the way in which her character treats guys was a bit of a reality check. Girls very often believe they are the victims of relationships gone sour but thats not true. There are many women out there who reap the benefits of a relationship with a guy that still say, "We are just friends". This movie gives total grounds for the He-Man Woman Haters club.

2. (Spoiler)- I love the fact that they don't end up together. Love it. The ending was a perfect balance of reality an optimism. Yes, love exists- but it might just not exist with the person you currently want it to exist with. Don't fret- Just let your feelings cycle out and one day you'll know when its right.

I know that was a long intro, but that was a very important part of my week- Makes me think I should get all my golden nuggets from being a lazy ass and sitting on the couch on Friday night.

On with business as Usual- These letters are from the week of March 1st- March 7

Dear Victor Peterson- I kept it pretty short, just for you!

Dear Monday- Lane Willhite proposes that your name be changed to "Mehday" instead, given it depicts your eminent dreariness regardless of weather conditions.

Dear White House Black Market- I love your clothes, and enjoy shopping at your store, but your new campaign "In the pink" makes me feel like I'm shopping for something a little more... Inappropriate :/

Dear Roller Backpack Lady on her phone- YOUR WELCOME FOR HOLDING THE DOOR FOR YOU.

Dear Entrance to Jardine- I always wince my eyes in anticipation of your door slamming shut, but it was fixed today! Woo!

Dear Business Week- I love you because I get to watch a bunch of grown business men get together and chim chum, and then I get to watch them make fools of themselves by raising the roof during their presentations.

Dear College Students- sometime I wonder if you are aware that having a healthy liver is a privilege, and not a right. Wasted Wednesdays are one of those things that will get that privilege revoked....

Dear Twitter- I apologize to any of my followers who are tired of my non stop tweeting. I've given myself a paper cut on my finger so as to calm it down a bit.

Dear Anjana- Thank you for pointing out that whether you are having sex with randos or watching porn on the internet, no matter what- you are going to get a virus. And Die.

PS- It's not Anjana that learned this lesson personally- she learns vicariously through the mistakes of others.

Dear Wichita Court- I know, I know, you WANT me, but I can't be in court for my diversion at 8:00 and then report for my subpoena at 8:30 for my stolen purse. MMKAY?

Dear England- I'm not above using the one friend that lives over there to buy me some Crispy M&Ms. I still haven't figured out why they discontinued them here in the states.

Dear Mark Simmons of Radio KS- Did we forget what "Mr." Shostakovich's first name was? C'mon... Cooooooome on... Dah- mee- treee.... Dmitri.

Dear Graham Hatch- You don't know me, but it's always disapointing to find out that someone you thought was attractive is Mormon, Married and his wife is with child. Makes me think of that Alanis Morisette song... Isn't it Ironic? Creeper moment, over- Blog out.

Loves Always,

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